Thursday, April 26, 2012

Huawei Quidway S2309 as a CPE

Just a quick photoblog entry: after a relocation, Invitel provided us with a S2309, instead of the usual Catalyst Metro:

This makes pretty evident that our service is a QinQ Ethernet link, not an MPLS tunnel, as we thought earlier.

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

HP Procurve 2510 voice vlan and LLDP-MED

Just because it's a hot search topic, and I love to divert attention to myself, here's a short post for you:

The Procurve 2510 while supporting LLDP, does not support LLDP-MED.
Here's a quote from the latest firmware release notes:

CLI (PR_0000069348) - The switch allows configuration of a “voice” VLAN even though
the switch does not support LLDP-MED.
That said, it's still a pretty good switch.
For more details on Procurve and LLDP, check out my older post: